I want to live free, forever. I want to be led by the Spirit of love, forever. I desire to be close to Him forever. I will strive to lead a life as simple and as pure as I am capable of, forever. I will be a beautiful soul forever. You know, there are many distractions in this world that keep us from becoming who we are meant to be, that keep us from finding truth in this life. However, for me I am blessed to have found the sunlit path.
I could sit here and question, why me? But, instead I am grateful for the way my life has been unraveling. For the past three years, I have been finding the answers that help me to become a better person every single day. It is by the grace of God that I could have the opportunity to shine so bright. There is beauty all around me and the more I learn, the closer I get to my higher destiny. I am constantly meeting people who make my day, or whom I am given a chance to brighten theirs. I may be only one little girl in this big world, but I am making a huge difference.
I don't mean on a large scale. I don't have any desires to make a huge impression on the human population. I don't need fame nor fortune to feel like I've changed the world, made it a better place. I am simply content with a smile a day. I have this belief that if I've made one person smile a day, then I've made a significant difference in the world. By sharing my love with those around me in a purely giving way, I am doing more than what is asked of me, I am being faithful. I may not have all the means to support a million people, but what little I have and what little I share, is plenty.
When you feel like you've not done enough, just think of what you do have and what you can do for the world. You can change the world. As a matter of fact, you are changing the world. When you find your reflection staring back, say to yourself, it's not what you're looking at, it's what you see. What do you see? You can be forever free.
In this life, beyond everything ugly in this world, look around and see the wondrous beauty.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." - Ghandi.
Photo by: Will Corvatte