It's been a couple months now since I've left Colorado. I have been enjoying a Pacific tropical paradise, known as Kauai. The people, the coastlines, the lifestyle are so incredible, life couldn't possibly get any better could it? Well, once again, I've fooled myself.
I had thought to myself, "Steph, you've made it, the rest of your time here is going to be so great!" After all, I am here because of a life long dream, right? Well, to my dismay, I have been thrown another curve ball, and boy, did it hit me hard. I won't go into detail, but, this past week has been real tough for me. One day I was full of vibrant health and the next day felt like I was trucking down hill. And though I don't want to admit this, it has been twisting and turning my mind uncontrollably.
I could sit here and regret my actions and motives for possible culprits, or I can accept what is and try to heal myself, my choice. I had decided, it's best to move forward and to accept the conditions. And what better way to find encouragement then through a church sign labeled, "love is acceptance of what is".
It's been a long week with ups and downs and inside outs. But, in the end, above all of my anguish and concern, I will be okay. For the Lord says, "this too shall soon pass". It's hard to stay positive 24/7 and to know that all will work out for the greater good. But, without such difficulties we would never know true joy. God's love shines in and around me always and even though at times I feel abandoned and alone, this is only a figment of my mind. God has never left me and He never will. God will provide for me, my daily needs. And He will guide me to full health.
Sometimes it takes being hit full force by a curve ball, to wake up and realize how reliant upon God we must be. I have no idea what is best for me, that is for God to sort out. And though, I am hiding in a "perfect" paradise in Hawaii, not all is perfect fun. We must always be alert and ready for anything to occur, and in response to allow God to do most of the healing. We must hold optimism that, "good things come to those who wait."
I pray for inner peace, health, and for my happiness to get the best of me, not the other way around. This curve ball has left quite an impressionable bruise, but with the passing days, it will heal, and I will see clarity. On that note, I'd like to leave by saying, paradise isn't a place we find fit, paradise is true contentment, anywhere.
"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Jesus Christ to live." Thessalonians 5
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